Receptionist is required for private company in Qurain markets - trasfrable
visa 18 is a must - able to work with microsoft office - able to work under
pressure and multitasking the intersted candidate should send C.v to whatsapp
[phone:66672356:0096566672356] and mention " receptionist"
مطلوب طباخين عدد 2 يفضل من لديهم خبرة في مجال الاكل الصحي والراتب يبدأمن 240_265 يحدد بعد المقابلة والتجربة والالتحاق الفوري we are hiring line Cook ( commis ) for a diet food company located in aswaq alqurain immediate Join cv through whatsapp [phone:51106668:0096551106668]
2 bakery employees and 1 casher are required for pastries in Qurain Market Restaurant With a salary from 250 to 290 dinars, fullpackage depending on experience Please send your CV via WhatsApp [phone:60991441:0096560991441]
An Indian restaurant manager is required to work in a new Indian restaurant in Qurain Market, provided that he speaks Arabic and has at least 5 years of experience in the restaurant field, and the salary is determined after the interview
Bus driver need a driver to work in a laundry, experience is required, so working in a laundry is required مطلوب للعمل سايق باص يشترط الخبره فعمل المصابغ
A company for Pies, pastries and sweets in Qurain Area. Are looking for: Pies & pastries Chef Sweets & Chocolate Chef The salary will be depending on the interview. Must have transferable visa. شركة فطائر ومعجنات وحلويات بأسواق القرين تطلب الوظائف التالية معلم فطائر معلم حلويات (شيكولاته) يتحدد الر…
Required Pastry Chef ( Cakes & Chocolates Decorator ) Creative, Professional & Master in Pastry department WhatsApp [phone:99881982:0096599881982]
Indian drivers are required to work in product distribution call [phone:99863649:0096599863649]