مطلوب عامل نظافه لشركه تنظيف خبره بأعمال التنظيف واستخدام المعدات راتب مجزي
ومواصلات مجانا برجاء التواصل عن طريق الواتس اب [phone:64448247:0096564448247]
Cleaner required for a cleaning company experienced with cleaning tools Good
salary and transportation Please contact on what’s app
مطلوب عامل نظافه في مطعم بالسالميه قطعه 2 الراتب200 دك 12 ساعه عمل A cleaner is required for a restaurant in Salmiya, block 2 Total Salary 200 KD 12 working hours
Cleaning service company requires cleaners from both genders males and females Salary:- Salary: outside Kuwait = 150 kd + bonus + all Visa fees and travel ticket on company Salary: inside Kuwait = 170 kd + bonus (Transferable 18 Visa is a must for inside kuwait applicants) Benefits:- Accomodation =…
A cleaner is required for men salon and spa in salmiya Article 18 residency is [phone:51193793:0096551193793] transferable
مطلوب مساعد شيف وعامل نظافة مطعم بالجابرية Need for restaurant in Jabriya : 1- chief assistant 2- cleaning employee
مطلوب عامل نظافه لمطعم بالسالميه يوجد تحويل اقامه يوجد سكن يوجد وجبه غداء وعشاء للتواصل [phone:96758006:0096596758006] واتساب فقط A cleaner is required for a restaurant in Salmiya There is a residence transfer There is housing There is lunch and dinner To contact [phone:96758006:0096596758006] What…
A cleaner is required for a restaurant to work immediately مطلوب عامل نظافة يعمل بمطعم فورا