House cleaning workers of Indian, Nepalese or Bangladeshi nationality are
required Only from inside Kuwait Call me [phone:51755689:0096551755689]
مطلوب عمال لتغير الزيت والفلتر للسيارات Workers needed for car change oil and filter
An Indian Aloo-Bengali worker is required to work in a juice and sweets restaurant. Someone with experience in the field is preferred [phone:67009899:0096567009899]
An Asian driver is required, with a salary of 150 dinars, with housing and transportation provided एक एशियाई ड्राइवर की आवश्यकता है, जिसका वेतन 150 दीनार हो, जिसमें आवास और परिवहन भी उपलब्ध हो