اكاديميه الخليج البريطانيه تعلن عن احتياجها لعدد 9 وظائف التاليه The Gulf British Academy announces its need for 9 positions as follows

؜ undefined ؜Kuwait, ؜ Full-time

Job details

Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities.
Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy
announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations
in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all
nationalities. Learn about the available jobs and how to apply through the
following advertisement.
Required jobs in The Gulf British Academy and their details:
KS1 Teacher
Essential requirements
Qualified Teacher Status: A degree-level qualification in teaching (e.g. PGCE
or Bachelor’s in Education).
Successful and recent KS1 teaching experience or training in a UK or
international BSO-accredited school.
Proficient at delivering the KS1 national curriculum or similar child-led
Able to assess and plan to meet the needs of all class pupils in the short,
medium and long term.
Make effective use of all resources, including support staff, to ensure
children in your care receive an enriched education.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to foster good behaviour and
build good relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
Ability to work under pressure and prioritise effectively.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
KS2 Teacher
Essential requirements
Qualified Teacher Status: A degree-level qualification in teaching (e.g. PGCE
or Bachelor’s in Education).
Successful and recent KS2 teaching experience or training in a UK or
international BSO-accredited school.
Proficient at delivering the KS2 national curriculum or similar child-led
Able to assess and plan to meet the needs of all class pupils in the short,
medium and long term.
Make effective use of all resources, including support staff, to ensure
children in your care receive an enriched education.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to foster good behaviour and
build good relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
Ability to work under pressure and prioritise effectively.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
PE Teacher - Female
Essential requirements
Qualified Teacher Status: A degree qualification in teaching (e.g. PGCE or
Bachelor’s in Education) with evidence of teaching Physical Education or
sports science.
Expert knowledge of your subject area as evidenced by your passion and CPD for
various pitch and court focused sports and activities.
Recent UK teaching experience or international experience within a British
curriculum-based, BSO-accredited school.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to inspire and build good
relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
English Teacher - Secondary
Essential requirements:
A Bachelor's Degree in English or a related subject and a certified teaching
qualification such as B.Ed. PGCE, PGDE or equivalent.
Expert knowledge of your subject area as evidenced by your experience and
passion in teaching English.
Proven UK teaching experience or international experience within a British
curriculum-based, BSO-accredited school.
Promoting safeguarding of all students and equality of opportunity for all
students and staff.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to inspire and build good
relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
Physics Teacher - Secondary
Essential requirements:
A Bachelor's Degree in Physics or a related subject and a certified teaching
qualification such as B.Ed. PGCE, PGDE or equivalent.
Expert knowledge of your subject area as evidenced by your experience and
passion in teaching English.
Proven UK teaching experience or international experience within a British
curriculum-based, BSO-accredited school.
Promoting safeguarding of all students and equality of opportunity for all
students and staff.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to inspire and build good
relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
EYFS Teacher
Essential requirements
Qualified Teacher Status: A degree-level qualification in teaching (e.g. PGCE
or Bachelor’s in Education).
Successful and recent EYFS teaching experience or training in a UK or
international BSO-accredited school.
Proficient at delivering the EYFS national curriculum or similar child-led
Knowledge and understanding of early childhood teaching and learning
strategies with a commitment to play-based child development.
Able to assess and plan to meet the needs of all class pupils in the short,
medium and long term.
Make effective use of all resources, including support staff, to ensure
children in your care receive an enriched education.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to foster good behaviour and
build good relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
Ability to work under pressure and prioritise effectively.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
PE Teacher - Male
Essential requirements
Qualified Teacher Status: A degree qualification in teaching (e.g. PGCE or
Bachelor’s in Education) with evidence of teaching Physical Education or
sports science.
Expert knowledge of your subject area as evidenced by your passion and CPD for
various pitch and court focused sports and activities.
Recent UK teaching experience or international experience within a British
curriculum-based, BSO-accredited school.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
Effective communication and interpersonal skills to inspire and build good
relationships with pupils, parents and colleagues.
A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and/or police
Economics & Business Studies Teacher - Secondary
Essential requirements:

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متطلبات الوظيفة

سنوات الخبرة

غير محدد

الجنس المطلوب


اللغة الانجليزية


السن المطلوب

غير محدد


غير محدد

نوع التعاقد

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المستوى المهنى

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الجنسيات المطلوبة :

غير محدد

مايكروسوفت أوفيس

جيد جدا

الراتب ونوع العمل

الراتب الأساسي

غير محدد

نوع الوظيفة

دوام كامل

مميزات الوظيفة

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رابط مختصر للوظيفة

هام! برجاء توخى الحذر من اعلانات النصب والاحتيال.الموقع غير مسئول عن مثل هذه
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ارسل رسالة

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لديك شكوى من الوظيفة؟

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اعلانات ذات صلة

تعلن جامعة الخليج العربي عن حاجتها لمحاضرين بالكويت The Arabian Gulf
University announces its need for lecturers in Kuwait

تعلن جامعة الخليج العربي عن حاجتها لمحاضرين بالكويت The Arabian Gulf
University announces its need for lecturers in Kuwait

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

تعلن الجمعية الكويتية لرعاية المعوقين عن فرصة توظيف متميزة جدااا وبراتب خيالي
عن اخر موعد للتقديم ‎28 / ‎2 / ‎2024

تعلن الجمعية الكويتية لرعاية المعوقين عن فرصة توظيف متميزة جدااا وبراتب خيالي
عن اخر موعد للتقديم ‎28 / ‎2 / ‎2024

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

American InterContinental University announces ‎61 vacancies in Kuwait تعلن
الجامعة الأمريكية الدوليه عن ‎61 وظيفة شاغرة في الكويت

American InterContinental University announces ‎61 vacancies in Kuwait تعلن
الجامعة الأمريكية الدوليه عن ‎61 وظيفة شاغرة في الكويت

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

BBS announces ‎12 vacancies in Kuwait تعلن BBS عن ‎12 وظائف شاغرة في الكويت

BBS announces ‎12 vacancies in Kuwait تعلن BBS عن ‎12 وظائف شاغرة في الكويت

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

مطلوب للتوظيف الفوري من داخل الكويت اليوم مدرسات ومدرسين في جميع التخصصات,
يشترط الخبرة في التأسيس

مطلوب للتوظيف الفوري من داخل الكويت اليوم مدرسات ومدرسين في جميع التخصصات,
يشترط الخبرة في التأسيس

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

Immediate requirement for an English Teacher in a Leading Indian School,

Immediate requirement for an English Teacher in a Leading Indian School,

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

Need a mathematics teacher

Need a mathematics teacher

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

تعلن اكاديميه الخليج البريطانيه عن الوظائف التاليه في الكويت The Gulf British
Academy announces the following jobs in Kuwait

تعلن اكاديميه الخليج البريطانيه عن الوظائف التاليه في الكويت The Gulf British
Academy announces the following jobs in Kuwait

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

مطلوب معلمات لغة عربية ورياضيات للمرحلة الابتدائية للعمل بالفترة المسائية في
معهد بالمنطقة العاشرة

مطلوب معلمات لغة عربية ورياضيات للمرحلة الابتدائية للعمل بالفترة المسائية في
معهد بالمنطقة العاشرة

- الكويت

منذ ‎2 يوم

شاهد كل وظائف تدريس وتعليم

وظائف حسب المجال

اخبار التوظيف فى الكويت

وظائف ادارية

وظائف الاعلام

وظائف العمل من المنزل

وظائف امن وحراسة

وظائف برمجة وتطوير

وظائف تدريس وتعليم

وظائف ترجمة

وظائف تزيين وتجميل

وظائف حاسب الى

وظائف خدمة العملاء

وظائف رياضية ولياقة بدنية

وظائف زراعيين

وظائف سائقين

وظائف سكرتارية وعلاقات عامة

وظائف شيفات ومعلمين اطعمه ومشروبات

وظائف طب وصحة

وظائف عمال وعاملات

وظائف عماله منزلية وخدم

وظائف فن وتصميم

وظائف فنادق ومطاعم

وظائف فنيين وحرفيين

وظائف مبيعات وتسويق

وظائف محاسبة ومالية

وظائف محامين وقانون

وظائف مشتريات ومخازن

وظائف مميزة فى الكويت

وظائف مهندسين

وظائف موارد بشرية

Job Summary

  • Advertiser: وظائف الكويت اليوم  دوام جزئى وكامل
  • Announcement date: 27/12/2023
  • Type of employment: Full-time
  • Experience level: undefined
  • Educational level: undefined
  • Job location: Kuwait,
  • Salary: غير محدد
  • Phone number: -

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Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…


Kuwait Jobs Today: The Gulf British Academy announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? The Gulf British Academy announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nat…

اللغة: العربيّة