Could you be one of our new GRP Technicians/Laminators?
Do you want to come and work with an award-winning Boat building company? With
25 years'
experience of building beautiful bespoke motor launches, sailing yachts and
superyacht tenders for a
discerning clientele, we are a family-run business, a reputable brand and a
growing company that is
globally respected in the boatbuilding industry.
We now require a full-time, fully qualified and experienced Laminator.
Job description
The role of GRP Technician/Laminator includes the following:
* Preparing boat moulds for lay-up without supervision
* Gel coating prepared moulds
* Recording work undertaken in accordance with our quality control processes
* Maintaining a clean and safe working environment.
Essential skills
Desirable skills
The usual place of work for this role is Ponsharden - The Southwest Shipyard
or former Vospers site.
A competitive and negotiable hourly rate of £10 to £14, dependent on
Interviews will take place as and when suitable applications are received.
How to apply
Send your CV, to [email protected] or call 01326 377 366. Thank you. We
look forward to hearing
from you.
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