Consultancy - Organisational Capacities - Naseej

؜ 3 Year ؜أربيل, ديالى, الانبار ؜ Full Time

Job details

Deadline Date ‎2022-‎06-‎30## TERMS OF REFERENCE

Strengthening Partners’ Organisational Capacities

  1. Background
    This capacity building activity in Iraq is planned as part of the project
    entitled Naseej - Connecting Voices and Action to End Violence Against Women
    and Girls in the MENA Region funded by the EU and implemented by Oxfam in
    Iraq, in OpT and in Yemen. s .
    Since ‎2020, the Naseej project has been providing grants to Civil Society
    Organisations (CSOs), Women-led (WLOs) and Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs)
    to realise actions against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and for
    gender equality, through programming and advocacy. The project has also
    included capacity strengthening actions with the grantees and partners to
    support their technical and organisational development as civil society actors
    working on gender equality and women’s rights.
    This activity is planned to be delivered in the final stages of the project
    implementation and contributes to the project’s exit strategy. More generally,
    it is part of Oxfam’s strategy to continuously support the development,
    sustainability and strategic positioning of CSOs, WLOs/WROs in view of
    empowering the feminist and women’s movements for gender justice in Iraq. In
    this perspective the activity is meant to provide insights and recommendations
    to continue our support to our partners beyond the scope of the Naseej

  2. Purpose and Objectives
    The capacity building activity seeks to establish strengths, areas for further
    consolidation and key recommendations in terms of organisational development
    of Naseej partner WROs and CSOs, in view of their contribution to sustaining
    services and advocacy efforts to end SGBV.
    It is meant to provide both a concluding assessment of capacity strengthening
    undertaken so far, a baseline for future development and strategic advice in
    that regard.
    The activity builds upon the conclusion of trainings and other capacity
    strengthening actions that have taken place under the project on several
    thematic areas (see details hereafter), and more generally, on partner
    assessments to grow as gender-just organisations, positioned and equipped to
    tackle SGBV as a systemic, gender inequality issue.

  1. Scope and Methodology
    The capacity building activity will encompass two levels of assessment and
    strategic recommendations for further development:

  2. At a first level: Assessing the progress of the capacity strengthening activities targeting up to ‎10 partner organisations from January to April ‎2022, using indicators outlined under several thematic areas, and identifying key recommendations/roadmap for further improvement.
    The thematic areas are as follows: financial management, logistics
    management, human resources management, safeguarding and safe programming,
    MEAL, writing skills. Further work is also being undertaken with partners on
    capacity for SGBV programming and advocacy, and gender/gender mainstreaming in

  3. At a secondary, higher level: Through consultation sessions with the partners (up to ‎10 organisations), assessing gaps and opportunities for organisational development as gender-just organisations, examing key dimensions of strategic management and work, particularly with respect to sustaining services and advocacy efforts against SGBV.
    The key dimensions tentatively include: (i) Quality of management,
    programming and sustainability of the local organisations, and extent to which
    they are using best-practice governance and management practices (e.g. using
    reporting system, following a risk management strategy, having a funding
    diversification strategy, …); (ii) Quality of work in general, programming and
    advocacy (including e.g. reach of programmes, diversification of advocacy
    methods, engagement with networks and alliances, …). These dimensions can be
    informed by transformative leadership for women’s rights and other domains
    presented, for instance, in Oxfam’s diagnostic tool for gender-just
    organisational development available at:

  4. The capacity building activity will then, through a consultation process, provide strategic advice on organisational development to the senior management at partner organisations and possibly initial coaching to set improvements in motion upon immediate feasibility.
    The selected consultant is expected to employ a participatory methodology to
    deliver the assignment. The partners are located in Diyala, Anbar and Baghdad
    and the consultant is expected to spend ‎1-‎2 days with each organisation.
    Ideally, the consultant will engage online data collection methods as well as
    in-person visits to each partner head office.
    The audience will include: the partners themselves, the Naseej project team,
    the Gender Justice Programme Manager and other Gender Justice project teams
    who will benefit from the assessments and key recommendations for further
    support to CSOs and WROs.

  5. Deliverables
    The completion of the assignment includes the following deliverables:
    - Inception report (English);
    - Draft methodological tool for first-level assessment of the progress in
    thematic capacity strengthening areas based on indicators [English], and
    report on the assessment;
    - Draft methodological tool for second-level assessment of partners’
    strengths and weaknesses, with a particular focus in developing as gender-just
    organisations and bearing mind their work on eliminating GBV (Arabic,
    English), and report on theassessment;
    - Final report with summary of partners’ capacities and the list of strategic
    recommendations provided to partners for enhancing their organisational
    development and conclusions of any coaching sessions held with them.

  6. Supervision and Management
    The assignment will be supervised by the Naseej Project Manager and Gender
    Justice Programme Manager in close coordination with Partners Focal Points in
    Diyala and Anbar. The final payment will be released upon written approval of
    all deliverables by the Naseej Project Manager and Gender Justice Programme

  7. Ethical Requirements
    There are risks in conducting interviews, particularly during a global
    pandemic. Participants may have difficulties taking the time to be interviewed
    amidst care and other responsibilities or face technical difficulties. We will
    work closely to continuously identify, assess, and monitor potential risks and
    unintended negative consequences, and decide if and how we should move forward
    with the data collection and expect the consultant to participate in that
    In addition, care will be taken to maintain safe programming and safeguarding.
    Capacity building participants will be provided with the necessary information
    about the activity so that they can provide their informed consent (with the
    option of being able to retract it if the need arises) and will be provided
    with the mechanisms available to them in case a problem arises (Ethics Point,
    Lastly, this project will follow responsible and ethical data
    including informed and voluntary consent. In particular, all partners involved
    in the Naseej project undertake action, one way or another, on issues of
    women’s rights, gender equality and SGBV. In this view, it is expected that
    the Consultant abide by ethical standards – in particular on SGBV-related
    research/programming – when examining organisational strengths and areas for
    improvement. Also, interviewees will have the option to be anonymous if they
    so wish and may opt out of the project at any time. Data will be stored safely
    – with identifying information removed if requested – and will be deleted when
    no longer needed.

  8. Time Frame
    The assignment is expected to be carried in June-July ‎2022. The consultancy is
    estimated to require around ‎30-‎40 working days. The timeline will be refined
    based on the work plan submitted by the consultant.

  9. Budget
    A full financial plan should be submitted by the consultant for their fees
    using the template attached with detailed breakdown of costs: per cost
    category (e.g. daily fees, equipment, …); and per task/deliverable.
    [‎1] Oxfam’s
    Responsible Program Data Policy (‎2015). and Experience
    - Strong knowledge and experience in providing strategic advice on
    organisational development to civil society organisations
    - Experience with civil society development and capacity assessment and
    organisational diagnostic tools and methodologies
    - Strong understanding of gender dimensions in organisational development,
    e.g. through experience in gender mainstreaming not only in projects but in
    structure, gender audits, WRO strategic and leadership support, …
    - Knowledge of project/programme cycle management
    - Familiarity with interventions aiming to end gender-based violence in Iraq;
    overall knowledge of technical standards and organisational requirements for
    providers of SGBV protection services, familiarity with advocacy efforts on
    SGBV/against VAWG; understanding of issues of safety, confidentiality and
    ethical requirements in the work around SGBV
    - Fluency in English and Arabic
    - Ability to travel
    - Familiary with Oxfam’s mission; adherence to the organizational code of
    conduct and safe programming principlesInterested individuals, with relevant experience and skills based on the ToR,
    can submit their Expression of Interest (EOI), including the following:

  10. Cover letter of no more than ‎1 page introducing the consultant and intention to deliver the assignment. The cover letter should also indicate the consultants’ availability for the proposed period.

  11. The technical proposal should provide details on proposed methodology responding to the ToR and the deliverables; capacity in line with the competencies required for the assignment, including references to experience with similar assignments; CV of the individual directly involved in the assignment, including their specific roles; and three professional referees. A technical proposal should not be longer than ‎7 pages, excluding annexes.

  12. The financial proposal includes a one-page budget of the offer, covering all major anticipated costs. An accompanying work plan must be submitted too.

  13. Statement on the willingness to follow Oxfam’s Code of Conduct and guidance regarding safe programming*.
    Please submit the EOI and other documents by midnight Iraq time by ‎30 June
    [email protected] with
    Organisational Capacities - Naseej in the subject line. No EOIs will be
    accepted after the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
    All questions or clarifications of a technical nature are to be sent to:
    [email protected] no later
    ‎26 of May ‎2022, ‎5 pm. Interested applicants can collect the Terms of
    Reference (TOR) at Oxfam in Iraq Country Office, starting from
    May ‎2022
    (during working hours).
    Alternatively, the Oxfam Logistics team can send the
    ToR via email upon request
    the advert will continue till the consultant is selected.
    TOR LINK:‎17139/description
    This invitation to tender has been issued for the sole purpose of obtaining
    offers for the provision of the services requested in this TOR. Oxfam reserves
    the right not to enter in or award a contract as a result of this invitation
    to tender. Oxfam also reserves the right to terminate any contract issued as a
    result of this invitation to tender as set out in the contract terms and

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Job Summary

  • Advertiser: -
  • Announcement date: 28/04/2022
  • Type of employment: Full Time
  • Experience level: 3 Year
  • Educational level: Bachelor Degree
  • Job location: أربيل, ديالى, الانبار
  • Salary: -
  • Phone number: -

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