Central kitchen in Qurain markets We are looking for an assistant chef with
experience in the field of seafood from inside Kuwait, a transferable visa is
required, and the salary will be determined after the interview
مساعدين شيف اناث فقط (برجر /بيتزا /سندوتش) Female assistant chef only (burger/pizza/sandwich
A company for Pies, pastries and sweets in Qurain Area. Are looking for: Pies & pastries Chef Sweets & Chocolate Chef The salary will be depending on the interview. Must have transferable visa. شركة فطائر ومعجنات وحلويات بأسواق القرين تطلب الوظائف التالية معلم فطائر معلم حلويات (شيكولاته) يتحدد الر…
A cook assistant is required to work at a shawarma restaurant with 3 branches the working hours are 10 hours per day and residency transfer is available . the salary is 250 KD +one meal per day. the vacation is 4 days per month
مطلوب شيف حلويات ( كوكيز - كيك - چوكليت ) Need chef for making cockies - cakes Fatory in qurain Whatsapp [phone:41111163:0096541111163]
Assistant chef and cleaner needed for a Kuwaiti / yemeni restaurant as soon as possible Salary + Food + accommodation + transportation Call for more information Mobile : [phone:65169101:0096565169101]
Required Pastry Chef ( Cakes & Chocolates Decorator ) Creative, Professional & Master in Pastry department WhatsApp [phone:99881982:0096599881982]
looking for assistant pastry chef urgent salary fixed after interview have knowlage in basic recepy
A professional Indian chef is required with long experience who work in hotels or restaurants as an Indian food chef. Experience is needed. Please send your CV to ; [email protected] , accommodation is available, and other advantages. ONLY INDIAN NATIONALITIES & ONLY PROFESSIONAL PLEASE , I…
A chef is required to work with experience in making croissants and cookies For any مطلوب شيف للعمل في بيكري يجب ان يكون مختص و لديه خبرة في عمل الكوكيز و الكرواسون و الكيك