مطلوب خياطه في مشغل تجيد الخياطه A seamstress is required in a sewing
workshop सिलाई कार्यशाला में एक दर्जिन की आवश्यकता होती है
An Asian driver is required, with a salary of 150 dinars, with housing and transportation provided एक एशियाई ड्राइवर की आवश्यकता है, जिसका वेतन 150 दीनार हो, जिसमें आवास और परिवहन भी उपलब्ध हो
A car driver is required with a driving license for Fatayer and Pizza Restaurant. The restaurant is located in the Abu Halifa area. The restaurant provides housing and a car for the driver, and housing is close to the restaurant send cv on what’s app only: [phone:50919038:0096550919038] फ़ैटायर और प…