Florist for hire Male/Female Experience in flower shop as florist from
previous employment Must have knowledge of what flowers are in season and how
well different types last in various environments. Can provide customers with
quality products that fit their budgets and desires. Salary is negotiable.
Location: Kuwait city. Only article 18 (transferable) Can join immediately
Local hire مطلوب منسق/ه منسق ورد شرط تحويل الاقامة مادة 18
مطلوب منسق ورد , اذا كنت مهتم ارسل بياناتك على رقم التواصل [phone:67746775:0096567746775] This job is open to both male and female candidates. If you are interested, please send your full details, including your name, contact number, to this number: [phone:+965[phone:67746775:0096567746775]:00965[p…