Deadline Date 2022-05-31# Details:
Consultancy Title : MoFA Lux Project - Application for Endline Evaluation
Project Title : Improving access to essential Reproductive, Maternal, and
Neonatal healthcare services for post-war vulnerable populations in West
Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq.
Project Location : West Mosul (Al-Batool Maternity Hospital)
Consultancy Start date : June 5, 2022
Consultancy End date : June 30, 2022
Consultancy Duration : 20 days
Reporting To : Health Project Manager and MEAL Coordinator at CARE
International in Iraq.
With funding support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of
Luxembourg (MoFA Lux), CARE implemented a twelve-month project from 1st of
July to 30th of June 2022. With the intervention, the project aimed to improve
Reproductive, Maternal, and Neonatal Healthcare and protection services for
the increased number of new arrivals due to camp closure and vulnerable
population affected by the conflict in Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, while
enhancing medical capacities and service provision of the selected hospitals
to respond to the increasing number of needs.
Overall, the project was aiming to address the medical infrastructure and
staff capacity deficiencies for Al-Batool hospital while building its
capacities to save maternal and neonatal lives. Outreach activities enhanced
community appreciation of reproductive health issues, prevented the spread of
COVID-19 per the WHO guidelines while disseminating information on services
available at the health facility, awareness on protection, and how to access
protection services to increase utilization.
The overall project outcomes are: 1) access to specialized Sexual,
Reproductive, and Maternal Health services is improved through the provision
of essential medical equipment, kits, and consumables in Al-Batool Hospital,
west Mosul. 2) capacity of health staff enhanced and community awareness on
Sexual, Reproductive, and Maternal health and COVID-19 related topics are
increased and 3) psychosocial wellbeing of communities is enhanced through
gender and protection mainstreaming across the project activities.
The project targeted vulnerable and conflict-affected populations, internally
displaced, returnees and host communities in West Mosul and those who have
been affected due to the recent camp closures in the Southern part of Nineveh
Governorate, Iraq. The main service recipients of the SRMH services were
mainly women and girls of child-bearing ages. Men and boys were also targeted
to ensure gender mainstreaming and equality in service provision.
Awareness-raising sessions by the gender and protection team targeted all
community members. On the other hand, life skills sessions had their own
criteria, such as dedication to the completion of the curriculum and
endeavoring to ensure the participation of 15% of women and girls with
disabilities. On the other hand, the gender and protection mainstreaming
trainings targeted DoH staff and CARE’s own staff on the ground.
The purpose of the endline evaluation will be to assess the results of the
project in relation to its intended outcomes. It will assess the impact and
progress made by the project’s post-intervention in the targeted area against
indicators mentioned in the donor-approved project document. The endline
evaluation will help CARE measure the intervention's effectiveness and
efficiency of the planned outcomes by comparing the baseline values with the
endline results.
It will also consider criteria such as coverage, appropriateness, coordination
to evaluate the quality of the intervention, document the lessons learned, and
inform donor, beneficiaries and any other relevant stakeholders about the
results and findings.
Evaluation objectives
Specific evaluation objectives are indicated below:
1. To assess the results of the project at the outcome and impact level;
2. To generate key lessons and identify promising practices for learning;
3. To assess how CARE has been accountable to stakeholders with a focus on accountability to affected persons.
The evaluation team shall specifically document effectiveness, efficiency,
impact, sustainability, accountability and coordination and lessons learning.
The evaluation is expected to cover all the thematic areas of the project,
that is to say, health and protection. In addition to key stakeholders, all
beneficiary categories will be sampled, including men, women, boys and girls.
Timeframe: this evaluation needs to cover the entire project duration i.e.,
from 1st of July to 30th of June 2022.
Geographic Coverage: West Mosul (Al-Batool Maternity Hospital)
The evaluation should cover the implementation period from the start of the
activity to June 2022. The geographical scope of the evaluation is mentioned
above. While the main emphasis should be on measuring outcomes/impact and
sustainability, the evaluation should also cover the project concept and
design, implementation, results, and outputs.
Evaluation Questions
Key criteria and questions to be answered by this evaluation include the
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation question
§ Assess the extent to which the project met the expected targets for outcome
indicators, including targets on gender and protection. Where targets were not
met, explain the challenges faced.
§ Assess the performance of the project in terms of effectiveness, efficiency,
and timeliness of producing the expected outputs.
§ Assess accessibility to improved Reproductive, Maternal, and Neonatal
Healthcare services through a gender lens (i.e., ensuring that people of all
ages, genders and abilities, have equitable access to services).
§ Assess the extent to which the project met SRMH and protection needs, and
identify issues to be taken into consideration for future projects, including
gaps and improvements needed in SRMH and protection services.
§ To what extent have the community’s knowledge, attitude, practice, and
beliefs regarding sexual reproductive health and gender evolved since the
beginning of the project? What are the barriers in the uptake of key health
and gender practices, if any?
§ How did the project contribute to Gender and protection mainstreaming across
the project activities? Please provide any lessons learned. In your
description, please provide sex and age disaggregated data.
How are the positive changes going to be sustained after the project ends?
Accountability and coordination
§ Are CARE’s community feedback and complaints mechanisms functional? Do they
ensure equitable access and meaningful participation for community members of
all ages, gender and abilities?
§ What are the most common channels used to provide feedback and complaints by
target communities?
§ What are community members’ perceptions on using CARE’s feedback and
complaints mechanism.
§ How is feedback collected from communities integrated into project design,
implementation and continual improvement in the quality service provision?
Knowledge gained / lessons learned
§ How are lessons learned applied from the previous project and how will they
be applied in future projects or programs?
§ Based on the experiences or challenges that came up, what should the
organization do the same or differently in future similar projects?
§ What lessons can be learned to improve gender-sensitive approaches in future
The national evaluation consultant is expected to articulate a robust and
suitable evaluation methodology in line with the scope, objectives and
evaluation questions and should adopt a mixed-methods approach integrating
quantitative and qualitative methods. It is expected that the consultant, in
consultation with the CARE MEAL Coordinator, will combine a desk-based review
of project data with Household survey in-depth interviews, focus-group
discussions, observation and key informant interviews. The methodology will be
agreed upon between the evaluator(s) and CARE and synthesized within the
Evaluation Framework.
Quantitative data collection tools:
A quantitative questionnaire should be used to interview the targeted
beneficiaries of the project. The questionnaires should consist of both open-
ended and closed-ended questions, which should provide essential quantitative
data related to project indicators and outcomes.
Observation tools:
In order to have a quality survey, quantitative sampling should be
complemented with observation tools. Observation tools should be used by the
data collection team during the interview. The observations should be made
regarding the SRMH, COVID-19, and gender practices. Observation tools should
be developed and used along with the survey.
Qualitative Data Collection tools (Focused Group Discussions Guidelines)
Focused Group Discussion guidelines should be developed, which will contain
essential qualitative questions to understand the causes of the problem and
the project’s contributions. The questions should be based on findings from
the quantitative study and should focus on substantiating the quantitative
results with the qualitative aspects.
Key informant interview
Key informant interviews should also be organized with the relevant key
stakeholder of the project, such as DoH, hospital management, protection
actors, and other relevant stakeholders; the objective of key informant
interviews should be to get the stakeholder perspectives on the project
quality, implementation, relevance, sustainability, and future needs, etc.
* FGDs (male & female project participants)
* Key informant interviews (DoH, Al-Batool maternity hospital management, female SH doctors, protection actors, and CARE staff)
* Other Humanitarian Actors within the Health cluster – UN agencies and INGOs.
Please note that in alignment with CARE’s ethical guidelines and survivor-
centred approach, the evaluation should not require participants to disclose
information about experiences of sexual and gender-based violence. However, as
interviews may lead to disclosures on SGBV, Assessment Team Lead must develop
list of services for signposting survivors prior to commencing the evaluation,
as well as organisational reporting mechanisms and safeguarding team contacts.
In addition, to ensure that participants feel comfortable, women and men
respondents must be matched with interviewers and enumerators of the same sex.
Sample Size
The consultant will be responsible for defining the sample size and
methodology for sampling in discussion with the CARE Iraq team. It is
recommended that the applicant propose a sampling strategy. The sampling
strategy should include the sampling method and the sample size calculation
Priority will be given to individuals that were interviewed during the
Baseline survey; in case of absence or refusal of encountered HH, the
household will be replaced with alternative beneficiaries within the same
In order to ensure that the HH survey is representative of all project
participants, the sample should include men, women, and children aged 12-17.
The Data Collection team should ensure that all survey respondents respond to
these questions without being influenced by any other member of the HH.
All primary data collected during the study must facilitate disaggregation by
gender, age, location or remoteness, and vulnerability status. CARE will
review and, where possible, provide more guidance on tools and classification
schemes for this minimum dataset.
A range of project documentation will be made available to the study team that
provides information about the design and changes made in the course of the
implementation, implementation and operation of the project].
The study team is required to adhere to the CARE’s Child Safeguarding;
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; Anti-Harassment, Intimidation
and Bullying; and Data Protection and Privacy policies throughout all the
evaluation activities.
Timing of consultancy
Since the project location is only at Al-Batool maternity hospital in West
Mosul, therefore, it will be easier for access for the consultant to conduct
his/her tasks on time. Based on the experience of CARE, the total duration of
the evaluation will be (20) working days for inception, data collection, data
analysis and reporting phases.
The consultancy is planned to start on June 5, 2022 with the following
indicated total and breakdown of days: however, CARE is expecting the
consultant to submit the timeframe and detailed planning of endline
Duration of Contract (working days) including travel
Inception report, desk review, design of data collection tools and finalizing
sampling and evaluation methodology.
Fieldwork (i.e., training of enumerators, KIIs and supervision of data
collection, working days excluding weekends.
Data cleaning, validation, analysis and reporting.
Roles & Responsibilities
Deadline Date 2022-06-06**Job Title:** Livelihoods Senior Project Officer | **Reports to:** _Shared Future_ Project Director ---|--- **Department:** Shared Future | **Salary Grade:** 8 **** **About CRS** Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of th…