Hello and Greeting I'm Ahmed (37 years old) and I'm a mechanical engineer
looking for a decent job my skills: - I speak Arabic And English computer
troubleshooting and I can deal with some pc softwares- expert math teacher up
to the high school level- - a high speed data entry by word and I'm great in
using excel so I can create a small excel databases -I can write researches
fast with both languages (Arabic/English) -I'm a mechanical designer I can
work great in Solidworks/ Rhino / Creo/ Solidedge with a few basics in blender
- I'm a good data entry -I'm a fast learner Alhamdu le Allah requirement : a
decent job with a good payment and a paid off apartment to live in . If you
interested to my C.V I will be glad to contact me at whatsapp with this number
: +21898033083 my regards