DSV Company is seeking to hire 4 an employee in Kuwait تسعى شركة DSV إلى توظيف 4 موظفين في الكويت

؜ غير محدد ؜الكويت, ؜ دوام كامل

تفاصيل الوظيفة

Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new
job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV -
Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment
for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These
opportunities are available to all nationalities. Learn about the available
jobs and how to apply through the following advertisement.
Required jobs in DSV - Global Transport and Logistics company and their
Software Developer
Develop, Deploy, and maintain operational systems, tools, and processes,
modify software to fix errors, adapt it to new hardware, improve its
performance, and/or upgrade interfaces.
Ensure software stability via regression, support quality assurance, and
perform unit and user-acceptance testing and validation procedures.
Designing and developing software systems using scientific analysis and
mathematical models to predict and measure outcomes and design consequences.
Make small edits requested by customers, develop plans for completing larger
projects, and suggest solutions to improve existing websites.
Perform UI design and coding and create reusable objects and wireframes for
web pages and email templates.
Provide software application support and participate in tactical and strategic
development projects.
Collaborate with internal stakeholders on technical issues including software
system design and maintenance.
Analyzing information to recommend and plan installation of new systems or
modifications of an existing system.
Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software hardware interfaces and
develop specifications and performance requirements.
Preparing reports on programming project specifications, activities, or
Consults project managers to obtain information on limitations or
Any other related duties assigned by the direct supervisor from time to time
to meet business needs.
Educational Qualifications & Work Experience
Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related degree
At least ‎3 years of experience in coding using C# language.
Experience in ASP.NET Core, JavaScript, jQuery
Strong knowledge of modern HTML/CSS
Adequate Object-Oriented Programming and web application development
Strong Experience in SQL server, T-SQL
Proficiency in using MVC
Great understanding of APIs and Web Services
A strong foundation in SSRS
Strong people skills, and problem-solving skills.
Proven track record in project coordination
Awareness of critical concepts in DevOps and Agile principles
Experience in implementing web development workflows and operations using a
variety of tools, including GitHub
‎2-Senior Software Developer
Develop, Deploy, and maintain operational systems, tools, and processes,
modify software to fix errors, adapt it to new hardware, improve its
performance, and/or upgrade interfaces.
Ensure software stability via regression, support quality assurance, and
perform unit and user-acceptance testing and validation procedures.
Designing and developing software systems using scientific analysis and
mathematical models to predict and measure outcomes and design consequences.
Make small edits requested by customers, develop plans for completing larger
projects, and suggest solutions to improve existing websites.
Perform UI design and coding and create reusable objects and wireframes for
web pages and email templates.
Provide software application support and participate in tactical and strategic
development projects.
Collaborate with internal stakeholders on technical issues including software
system design and maintenance.
Analyzing information to recommend and plan installation of new systems or
modifications of an existing system.
Consulting with engineering staff to evaluate software hardware interfaces and
develop specifications and performance requirements.
Preparing reports on programming project specifications, activities, or
Consults project managers to obtain information on limitations or
Any other related duties assigned by the direct supervisor from time to time
to meet business needs.
Educational Qualifications & Work Experience
Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related degree
At least ‎5 years of experience in coding using C# language.
Experience in ASP.NET Core, JavaScript, jQuery
Strong knowledge of modern HTML/CSS
Adequate Object-Oriented Programming and web application development
Strong Experience in SQL server, T-SQL
Proficiency in using MVC
Great understanding of APIs and Web Services
A strong foundation in SSRS

تذكير هام جدا!
ان لم تكن هذه الوظائف مناسبة لك .. يمكن الاطلاع علي ‎2000 وظيفة خالية فى الكويت
اليوم مقسمة بالتخصصات من الرابط التالى
وظائف خالية فى الكويت اليوم

متطلبات الوظيفة

سنوات الخبرة

غير محدد

الجنس المطلوب


اللغة الانجليزية


السن المطلوب

غير محدد


غير محدد

نوع التعاقد

غير محدد

المستوى المهنى

غير محدد

المؤهل المطلوب

غير محدد

الجنسيات المطلوبة :

غير محدد

مايكروسوفت أوفيس

جيد جدا

الراتب ونوع العمل

الراتب الأساسي

غير محدد

نوع الوظيفة

دوام كامل

مميزات الوظيفة

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رابط مختصر للوظيفة

هام! برجاء توخى الحذر من اعلانات النصب والاحتيال.الموقع غير مسئول عن مثل هذه
الاعلانات لذلك نرجو الابلاغ عن الوظائف الوهميه ليتم حذفها فورا

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ارسل رسالة

حفظ الاعلان

لديك شكوى من الوظيفة؟

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اعلانات ذات صلة

الامارات للصرافة تعلن عن الوظائف التالية بالكويت Emirates Exchange announces
the following jobs in Kuwait

الامارات للصرافة تعلن عن الوظائف التالية بالكويت Emirates Exchange announces
the following jobs in Kuwait

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

IT Administrator

IT Administrator

- الكويت

منذ ‎1 يوم

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

أعلنت مجموعة ريكسوس عن العديد من الفرص الوظيفية الشاغرة في مختلف التخصصات
ولجميع الجنسيات برواتب مجزية في الكويت.

أعلنت مجموعة ريكسوس عن العديد من الفرص الوظيفية الشاغرة في مختلف التخصصات
ولجميع الجنسيات برواتب مجزية في الكويت.

- الكويت

منذ ‎1 يوم

‎مطلوب للتوظيف ‎مطور مواقع بالكويت Wanted to hire a website developer in

‎مطلوب للتوظيف ‎مطور مواقع بالكويت Wanted to hire a website developer in

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

شركة Best Western PLUS تعلن عن توظيف أخصائي دعم تكنولوجيا المعلومات بالكويت
Best Western PLUS announces the recruitment of an IT support specialist in

شركة Best Western PLUS تعلن عن توظيف أخصائي دعم تكنولوجيا المعلومات بالكويت
Best Western PLUS announces the recruitment of an IT support specialist in

- الكويت

منذ ‎4 أيام

Telnyx announces recruitment FreeSWITCH Software Engineer - Remote in Kuwait
تعلن شركة Telnyx عن توظيف مهندس برمجيات FreeSWITCH - عن بعد في الكويت

Telnyx announces recruitment FreeSWITCH Software Engineer - Remote in Kuwait
تعلن شركة Telnyx عن توظيف مهندس برمجيات FreeSWITCH - عن بعد في الكويت

- الكويت

منذ ‎4 أيام

React Native Developer

React Native Developer

- الكويت

منذ ‎5 أيام

Rise Consulting Company announces employment Senior Mobile Application
Developer in Kuwait تعلن شركة رايز الاستشارية عن توظيف مطور تطبيقات الهاتف
المحمول الأول في الكويت

Rise Consulting Company announces employment Senior Mobile Application
Developer in Kuwait تعلن شركة رايز الاستشارية عن توظيف مطور تطبيقات الهاتف
المحمول الأول في الكويت

- الكويت

منذ ‎4 أيام

Microsoft announces recruitment Technology Specialists- Modern Work/ Security
& Compliance in Kuwait تعلن شركة مايكروسوفت عن توظيف متخصصين في التكنولوجيا -
العمل الحديث/ الأمن والامتثال في الكويت

Microsoft announces recruitment Technology Specialists- Modern Work/ Security
& Compliance in Kuwait تعلن شركة مايكروسوفت عن توظيف متخصصين في التكنولوجيا -
العمل الحديث/ الأمن والامتثال في الكويت

- الكويت

منذ ‎3 أيام

شاهد كل وظائف برمجة وتطوير

وظائف حسب المجال

اخبار التوظيف فى الكويت

وظائف ادارية

وظائف الاعلام

وظائف العمل من المنزل

وظائف امن وحراسة

وظائف برمجة وتطوير

وظائف تدريس وتعليم

وظائف ترجمة

وظائف تزيين وتجميل

وظائف حاسب الى

وظائف خدمة العملاء

وظائف رياضية ولياقة بدنية

وظائف زراعيين

وظائف سائقين

وظائف سكرتارية وعلاقات عامة

وظائف شيفات ومعلمين اطعمه ومشروبات

وظائف طب وصحة

وظائف عمال وعاملات

وظائف عماله منزلية وخدم

وظائف فن وتصميم

وظائف فنادق ومطاعم

وظائف فنيين وحرفيين

وظائف مبيعات وتسويق

وظائف محاسبة ومالية

وظائف محامين وقانون

وظائف مشتريات ومخازن

وظائف مميزة فى الكويت

وظائف مهندسين

وظائف موارد بشرية

ملخص الوظيفة

  • المُعلن : وظائف الكويت اليوم  دوام جزئى وكامل
  • تاريخ الإعلان : 11/11/2023
  • نوع العمل : دوام كامل
  • مستوى الخبرة : غير محدد
  • المستوى التعليمي : غير محدد
  • مكان العمل : الكويت,
  • الراتب : غير محدد
  • الهاتف : -

وظائف أخرى مثل هذه الوظيفة


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…


Kuwait Jobs Today: DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? DSV - Global Transport and Logistics Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. Thes…

Language: English