Individual Consultant - Final Project Evaluation (MoFA)

؜ - ؜الرياض ؜ -

تفاصيل الوظيفة

Individual Consultant - Final Project Evaluation (MoFA)

Location :

Application Deadline :
‎29-Jun-‎22 (Midnight New York, USA)

Time left :
16d 7h 53m

Type of Contract :
Individual Contract

Post Level :
International Consultant

Languages Required :

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender,
nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups
and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All
applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of
harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected
candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background


  • Background and Context

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) spans the vast majority of the Arabian
Peninsula, with a land area of approximately ‎2,150,‎000 km2 (‎830,000 sq mi).
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East, and the second-largest
country in the Arab world with a rapidly growing population of ‎35,013,‎414 in
‎2020. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia's diplomatic relations, to achieve and preserve national interests, and
to promote the Kingdom's role in establishing security, stability, and
prosperity in the region and the world. MOFA derives its core values from the
Islamic social and professional principles as a key element in its
organizational philosophy and inculcate the values in employees and
organizational units at all levels.
In April ‎2016, the Saudi Vision ‎2030, an ambitious blueprint for development,
was launched. Vision ‎2030 is the forward-thinking initiative of Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman. It sets down a plan for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 's
future with several goals aimed at inspiring economic, political, and social
development. And in ‎2016 the National Transformation Programme ‎2020 (NTP ‎2020)
was launched across ‎24 governmental bodies, operating in the economic and
development sectors.
In achieving this vision, it is expected that all ministries and Government
bodies would strive for organizational excellence, improving their services,
personnel, and building high-performing manpower. The vision urges Saudi
Arabia to open up to the external world, and to improve the consular services,
as well as strengthening the positive image of the Kingdom, enhancing the
regional relations. This accentuates the role of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in realization of the Vision ‎2030. The Umbrella Programme for Advisory
Services to MOFA project is a national project benefiting the whole of the
Kingdom and all governmental agencies in addition to contributing to the UNDP
CPD (‎2017- ‎2021) Outcome ‎1 (Improved knowledge-based equitable and sustainable
development, underpinned by innovation and improved infrastructure) and CPD
output ‎1.1 (National policies developed to promote economic diversification
with a focus on increased employment of nationals). It also contributes to SDG
‎16. Target:‎16. a Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through
international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular
in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime.
The project is implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On the basis of the outputs of MOFA Strategic Plans and UNDP Projects, as well
as considering the UN and Saudi strategy and policy documents, the final
evaluation will look into the progress of the following outputs:
* Strengthening the Public Diploamcy
* Supporting Prince Saudi Al-Faisal institute of Diplomatic Studies
* Providing advisory services to the organizational units at MOFA: political, economic, specialized, consular, general affairs, technical affairs, planning and development, legal unit, and human resources unit.
* Promoting the international representation of Saudi Arabia.
* Supporting recruitment of Saudi nationals in the UN System.
* Enhanced capacity of the Strategic Planning and Development Directorate (SPDD) to deepen MoFA reforms based on change management, systematic analysis, and strategic planning.
* Technical and Administrative Support to the General Directorate for Human Resources (GDHR)

The project benefits youth in the third output per the revision: Output ‎3:
Increasing Saudi Representation in the UN- which specifically target the Saudi
The evaluation requires working with all heads of departments involved with
the various outcomes as well as all consultants on the project and other
relevant project and authority staff.
The project duration was originally for ‎4 years (‎2018- ‎2021). The project
extension period (August ‎2021 to December ‎2022) provides the necessary time
for the project to complete ongoing activities and deliver the revised outputs
to achieve a more significant impact. The aim of the revision was to expand
the scope of the project by including outputs relevant to the support of the
Strategic Development and Planning Directorate (SPDD), and to the General
Directorate for Human Resources (GDHR). The revised project prioritizes the
provision of technical support and capacity development interventions to
enable both departments to guide and facilitate MOFA reform and restructuring
The Revised Outputs are:
Output ‎1: Enhanced Capacity of the strategic Planning and Development
Directorate (SPDD)to deepen MOFA based on change management, systematic
analysis, and strategic planning.
Output ‎2: Technical and administrative support to the General Directorate for
Human Resources (GDHR)
Output ‎3: Advisory services to MOFA: Including the key pillars under the
ambarella programme.
COVID ‎19 had impacted the project by delaying some planned activities and
official needed approvals from MOFA on certain proposals.
Basic Project information can also be included in table format as follows:


Project title:

Umbrella Programme for Advisory Services to MOFA

Atlas ID


Corporate outcome and output

Equitable, accountable, effective, and efficient public sector


Saudi Arabia



Date project document signed

‎12 September ‎2018

Project dates


Planned end

‎1 September ‎2018

‎31 December ‎2022

Project budget

US$ ‎9,504,‎069

Project expenditure at the time of evaluation

US$ ‎2,237,‎775

Funding source


Implementing party

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

[‎1] It is the entity that has overall responsibility for implementation of the
project (award), effective use of resources and delivery of outputs in the
signed project document and workplan.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Evaluation purpose, scope and objectives

Evaluation purpose and objectives:
This final evaluation is conducted as part of a planned intervention aimed at
re-positioning the project to help MOFA meet its mandate. The project has been
ongoing since September ‎2018 and has, thus far, never been evaluated. In view
of the pandemic and the drastic changes that has been taking place in the
country, the project has had to adapt to the changes over recent years. To
ensure the project has delivered its intended objectives and to provide
recommendations for the way forward, it is imperative to conduct a final
evaluation and ensure the project has delivered. This evaluation will benefit
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their planning for future years to meet
Saudi Vision ‎2030 and highlight the impacts this project has had over the past
few years. The evaluation and ensuing recommendations will help build a new
project document serving MOFA to better deliver its intended task and learn
lessons from previous activities.

Scope of the evaluation:
The final evaluation will look into the progress of the following outputs:
* Strengthening the public diplomacy
* Supporting Prince Saudi Al-Faisal institute of Diplomatic Studies
* Providing advisory services to the organizational units at MOFA: political, economic, specialized, consular, general affairs, technical affairs, planning and development, legal unit, and human resources unit.
* Promoting the international representation of Saudi Arabia.
* Supporting recruitment of Saudi nationals in the UN System.
* Enhanced capacity of the Strategic Planning and Development Directorate (SPDD) to deepen MoFA reforms based on change management, systematic analysis, and strategic planning.
* Technical and Administrative Support to the General Directorate for Human Resources (GDHR)
This evaluation will cover all activities held during the span of the project
between (‎1 September ‎2018 - 31st of Dec ‎2022) and highlight issues and
recommendations in all aspects (technical, financial, management, structural
and operational), including the effective use of resources and delivery
outputs in the signed project document and workplan.

Issues relate directly to the questions of the evaluation must be answered so
that users will have the information they need for pending decisions or
action. An issue may concern the relevance,?coherence,?efficiency,
effectiveness,?or sustainability of the intervention. In addition, UNDP
evaluations must address how the intervention sought to? mainstream gender
in development efforts
, considered disability issues and?applied?the
rights-based approach.

Evaluation products (deliverables)**

Evaluation inception report (‎10-‎15 pages). The inception report should be
carried out following and based on preliminary discussions with UNDP after the
desk review and should be produced before the evaluation starts (before any
formal evaluation interviews, survey distribution or field visits) and prior
to the country visit in the case of international evaluators.
Evaluation debriefings. Immediately following the evaluation, UNDP expects a preliminary debriefing and findings.
Draft evaluation report (within an agreed length). ‎2 A length of ‎40 to ‎60 pages including executive summary is suggested.
Evaluation report audit trail. The programme unit and key stakeholders in the evaluation should review the draft evaluation report and provide an amalgamated set of comments to the evaluator within one week of submission of the draft. Comments and changes by the evaluator in response to the draft report should be retained by the evaluator to show how they have addressed comments.
Final evaluation report.
Presentations to stakeholders and/or the evaluation reference group ( if?required).
Evaluation brief and other knowledge products agreed in the inception report** or participation in knowledge-sharing events, if relevant.

Standard templates that need to be followed are provided in the Annexes
section. It is expected that the evaluator will follow the UNDP evaluation
guidelines and UNEG quality check list and ensure all the quality criteria are
met in the evaluation report.

In line with UNDP's financial regulations, when determined by the Country
Office and/or the consultant that a deliverable or service cannot be
satisfactory completed due to impact of COVID-‎19 and limitations to the
evaluation, that deliverable or service will not be paid. Due to the current
COVID-‎19 situation and its implications, a partial payment may be considered
if the consultant invested time towards the deliverable but was unable to
complete to circumstances beyond his/her/their control

Implementation arrangement
The section describes the specific roles and responsibilities of all involved in this evaluation:
Evaluation commissioner: The Resident Representative who will approve the inception report and the final evaluation report.
Evaluation manager: Lead the evaluation process and participate in all of its stages - evaluability assessment, preparation, implementation, management and use of the evaluation. Ensure quality assurance and manage the ERC portal
* a) Fulfil the contractual arrangements under the TOR
* b) Develop the evaluation inception report, including an evaluation matrix and a gender responsive methodology, in line with the TOR, UNEG norms and standards and ethical guideline
* c)Conduct data collection and field visits according to the TOR and inception report
* d) Produce draft reports adhering to UNDP evaluation templates, UNDP Evaluation guidelines including the required quality criteria and brief the evaluation manager, programme/ project managers and stakeholders on the progress and key findings and recommendations
* e) Consider gender equality and women 's empowerment and other cross-cutting issues, check if all and respective evaluation questions are answered, and relevant data, disaggregated by sex, is presented, analysed and interpreted. The evaluator needs to ensure that all the evaluation sections are gender responsive.
* F) Finalize the evaluation report, incorporating comments and questions from the feedback/ audit trail. Record own feedback in the audit trail including those of the members of the team, the?evaluation manager, the commissioning programme unit, and key stakeholders.
Project manager:
* a) Provide inputs/ advice to the evaluation manager and evaluation reference group on the detail and scope of the TOR for the evaluation and how the findings will be used
* C) Ensure and safeguard the independence of evaluations
* d) Provide the evaluation manager with all required data (e.g.,relevant monitoring data) and documentation (reports, minutes, reviews, studies, etc.), contacts/ stakeholder list etc.
* e) Ensure that data and documentation in general, but?in particular related?to gender equality and women 's empowerment and other cross-cutting issues, are made available to the evaluation manager
* f) Provide comments and clarification on the TOR, inception report and draft evaluation reports
* g) Respond to evaluation recommendations by providing management responses and key actions to all recommendations addressed to UNDP
* h) Ensure dissemination of the evaluation report to all the stakeholders including the project board
* Implement relevant key actions on evaluation recommendations
Institutional Arrangements:
The consultants will take responsibility, with assistance from the project
team, for setting up meetings and conducting the evaluation, subject to
advance approval of the methodology submitted in the inception report. The
consultants will report directly to the designated evaluation manager and
focal point and work closely with the project team. Project staff will not
participate in the meetings between consultants and evaluands. The consultants
will work home based and will be required to travel to Saudi Arabia for a
field visit. limited administrative and logistical support will be provided.
The consultant will use his own laptop and cell phone.

Time frame for the evaluation process**

The consultancy should be conducted and completed within ‎30 days over ‎2.5 to ‎3
months. The final timeframe should be agreed in the inception report.
This section lists and describes all tasks and deliverables for
which?the?evaluator will be responsible and accountable, as well as those
involving the commissioning office (e.g.,?workplan, agreements, briefings,
draft report, final report)
Desk review
* Briefings of evaluator.
* Finalizing the evaluation design and methods and preparing the detailed inception report.
* In-country data collection and analysis (visits to the field, interviews, questionnaires).
* Preparing the draft report.
* Stakeholder meeting and review of the draft report (for quality assurance).
* Incorporating comments and finalizing the evaluation report.

In addition, the evaluator may be expected to support UNDP efforts in
knowledge?sharing and dissemination.

Example of working day allocation and schedule for an evaluation (outcome






Phase One: Desk review and inception report

Meeting briefing with UNDP (programme managers and project staff as needed)

At the time of contract signing
‎1 May ‎2022

UNDP or remote

Evaluation manager and commissioner

Sharing of the relevant documentation with the evaluator

At the time of contract signing
‎1 May ‎2022

Via email

Evaluation manager

Desk review, Evaluation design, methodology and updated workplan including the
list of stakeholders to be interviewed

‎5 days

Within two weeks of contract signing
‎1-‎15 May ‎2022

Home- based


Submission of the inception report
(‎15 pages maximum)

Within two weeks of contract signing
‎15 May ‎2022


Comments and approval of inception report

Within one week of submission of the inception report
‎22 May ‎2022


Evaluation manager

Phase Two: Data-collection mission

Consultations and field visits, in-depth interviews and focus groups

‎10 days

Within four weeks of contract signing
‎29 May - ‎9 June ‎2022

In country

With field visits

UNDP to organize with local project partners, project staff, local
authorities, NGOs, etc.

Debriefing to UNDP and key stakeholders

‎1 day

‎9 June ‎2022

In country


Phase Three: Evaluation report writing

Preparation of draft evaluation report (‎50 pages maximum excluding annexes),
executive summary (‎4-‎5 pages)

‎10 days

Within two weeks of the completion of the field mission
‎12 June - ‎23 June ‎2022

Home- based


Draft report submission


Consolidated UNDP and stakeholder comments to the draft report

Within two weeks of submission of the draft evaluation report
‎7 July ‎2022


Evaluation manager

Debriefing with UNDP

‎1 day

Within one week of receipt of comments
‎14 July ‎2022

Remotely UNDP

UNDP, stakeholder and evaluator

Finalization of the evaluation report incorporating additions and comments
provided by project staff and UNDP country office

‎3 days

Within one week of final debriefing
‎21 July ‎2022

Home- based


Submission of the final evaluation report to UNDP country office (‎50 pages
maximum excluding executive summary and annexes)

Within one week of final debriefing
‎21 July ‎2022

Home- based


Estimated total days for the evaluation


Excludes days estimated for UNDP's review

Payment's schedule:

Indicated Timeframe/ Duration (working


% of Payment

Document to be Submitted

Approving Officer accepting the milestone

Phase One: Desk review and inception report A detailed inception report
describing initial findings based on the comprehensive documentation review,
the evaluation methodology, detailed work plan, the outline of the final
report in addition to the inception report.
Presentation and approval

‎5 days


comprehensive Inception Report

Phase Two: Data-collection mission and Debriefing to UNDP and key
stakeholders: Collection and analysis by applying methodologies and approaches
and approved in the inception report

‎11 days

Phase Three: Evaluation report
A draft evaluation report to be prepared based on collected data

‎10 days


A draft evaluation report

Debriefing with UNDP

‎1 day

Finalization of the evaluation report incorporating additions and comments
provided by project staff and UNDP country office

‎3 days

Submission of the final evaluation report to UNDP country office (‎50 pages
maximum excluding executive summary and annexes) along with audit trail


Final evaluation report


‎30 days


  • Technical competencies: Team leadership skills and experience, technical knowledge in UNDP thematic areas, with specifics depending on the focus of the evaluation, data analysis and report writing etc.

Required Skills and Experience

The evaluation will be carried out by an international consultant. The
consultant shall be responsible for carrying out and performing all the duties
and responsibilities as defined in the implementation arrangements section and
required by the evaluation.

Required qualifications: Advanced degree in political science or relevant
field, minimum ‎10 years ' experience in evaluations, preferably in the field
of political science, international affairs, diplomacy and capacity building
for strategic planning. Knowledge of Saudi, region or similar context, a plus.
Language skills required: Fluent English, knowledge of Arabic is considered an asset.
Technical knowledge and experience: Gender and disability inclusion competencies are preferable as well as technical knowledge and experience in other cross-cutting areas such equality, disability issues, rights-based approach, and capacity development.
Evidence to be presented:
* resume
* work samples
* references
* To support claims of knowledge, skills and experience.??
* Explicit statement of evaluators ' independence from any organizations that have been involved in designing, executing,?or advising any aspect of the intervention that is the subject of the evaluation should be provided.
Evaluation criteria and key guiding questions
Referencing and adopting from Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria
((a) relevance/ coherence; (b) effectiveness; (c) efficiency; and (d)
sustainability (and/or other criteria used), the evaluation will answer the
following questions:
Project evaluation sample questions:

Project evaluation sample questions:

Relevance/ Coherence**

* To what extent was the project in line with national development priorities, country programme outputs and outcomes, the UNDP Strategic Plan, and the SDGs?
* To what extent does the project contribute to the theory of change for the relevant country programme outcome?
* To what extent were lessons learned from other relevant projects considered in the design?
* To what extent does the project contribute to gender equality, the empowerment of women and the human rights-based approach?
* To what extent has the project been appropriately responsive to political, legal, economic, institutional, etc., changes in the country?


* To what extent did the project contribute to the country programme outcomes and outputs, the SDGs, the UNDP Strategic Plan, and national development priorities?
* To what extent were the project outputs achieved, considering men, women, and vulnerable groups?
* To what extent has the UNDP partnership strategy been appropriate and effective?
* What factors contributed to effectiveness or ineffectiveness?
* In which areas does the project have the greatest achievements? Why and what have been the supporting factors? How can the project build on or expand these achievements?
* In which areas does the project have the fewest achievements? What have been the constraining factors and why? How can or could they be overcome?
* What, if any, alternative strategies would have been more effective in achieving the project objectives?
* Are the project objectives and outputs clear, practical and feasible within its frame? Do they clearly address women, men and vulnerable groups?


To what extent was the project management structure as outlined in the project
document efficient in generating the expected results?
* To what extent have the UNDP project implementation strategy and execution been efficient and cost-effective?
* To what extent has there been an economical use of financial and human resources? Have resources (funds, male and female staff, time, expertise, etc.) been allocated strategically to achieve outcomes?
* To what extent have project funds and activities been delivered in a timely manner?
* To what extent do the M &E systems utilized by UNDP ensure effective and efficient project management?


To what extent will targeted men, women and vulnerable people benefit from the
project interventions in the long-term?
* Are there any social or political risks that may jeopardize sustainability of project outputs and the project contributions to country programme outputs and outcomes?
* Do the legal frameworks, policies and governance structures and processes within which the project operates pose risks that may jeopardize sustainability of project benefits?
* To what extent are lessons learned documented by the project team on a continual basis and shared with appropriate parties who could learn from the project?
* What could be done to strengthen exit strategies and sustainability in order to support female and male project beneficiaries as well as marginalized groups?

Evaluation questions on cross-cutting issues

Human rights
To what extent have poor, indigenous and physically challenged, women, men and
other disadvantaged and marginalized groups benefited from the work of UNDP in
the country?

Gender equality

All evaluation criteria and evaluation questions applied need to be checked to
see if there are any further gender dimensions attached to them, in addition
to the stated gender equality questions.
To what extent have gender equality and the empowerment of women been
addressed in the design, implementation and monitoring of the project?
* Is the gender marker assigned to this project representative of reality?


Were persons with disabilities consulted and meaningfully involved in
programme planning and implementation?
* What proportion of the beneficiaries of a programme were persons with disabilities?

Guiding evaluation questions will be further refined in the inception report
by the evaluation team and agreed with UNDP evaluation stakeholders.

* The evaluation should employ a combination of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods and instruments.?The?evaluator is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach?that?ensures?close engagement with the evaluation managers, implementing partners and?male and female?direct beneficiaries.??Methodological?tools and?approaches may include:?

Document review. This would include a review of all relevant documentation,
inter alia
* Project document (contribution agreement).
* Theory of change and results framework.
* Programme and project quality assurance reports.
* Annual workplans.
* Activity designs.
* Consolidated quarterly and annual reports.
* Results-oriented monitoring report.
* Highlights of project board meetings.
* Technical/financial monitoring reports.
* Financial reports for the funding analysis required as per the evaluation questions
Interviews and meetings?with key stakeholders?(men and women)?such as?key government counterparts, donor community members, representatives of key civil society organizations,?United Nations country team (UNCT)?members and implementing partners:?
Semi-structured interviews, based on questions designed for different stakeholders based on evaluation questions around relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
* Key informant and
focus group discussions with men and women, beneficiaries and stakeholders.
* All interviews with men and women should be undertaken in full confidence and anonymity. The final evaluation report should not assign specific comments to individuals.
Surveys and questionnaires including male and female participants in development programmes, UNCT members and/or surveys and questionnaires to other stakeholders at strategic and programmatic levels.
Field visits and on-site validation of key tangible outputs and interventions.
Other methods such as outcome mapping, observational visits, group discussions, etc.
Data review and analysis of monitoring and other data sources and methods. To ensure maximum validity, reliability of data (quality) and promote use, the evaluation team will ensure triangulation of the various data sources.
Gender and human rights lens.?All evaluation products need to address gender, disability, and human right issues.
* The final methodological approach including interview schedule, field visits and data to be used in the evaluation should be clearly outlined in the inception report and fully discussed and agreed between UNDP, key stakeholders, and the evaluator.
Evaluation ethics**
* This evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the UNEG 'Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation'. The consultant must safeguard the rights and confidentiality of information providers, interviewees and stakeholders through measures to ensure compliance with legal and other relevant codes governing collection of data and reporting on data. The consultant must also ensure security of collected information before and after the evaluation and protocols to ensure anonymity and confidentiality of sources of information where that is expected. The information knowledge and data gathered in the evaluation process must also be solely used for the evaluation and not for other uses with the express authorization of UNDP and partners

Evaluations in UNDP will be conducted in accordance with the principles
outlined in the UNEG 'Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation'.‎3

Application submission process and criteria for selection**
* As required by the procurement unit.

TOR annexes
Intervention results framework and theory of change.
Key stakeholders and partners.
Documents to be consulted. A list of important documents and web pages that the evaluators should read at the outset of the evaluation and before finalizing the evaluation design and the inception report. This should be limited to the critical information that the evaluation team needs. Data sources and documents may include:
* MOFA strategy
* Monitoring plans and indicators.
* Partnership arrangements (e.g., agreements of cooperation with Governments or partners).
* Project Document and Budget Revisions.
* Minutes of all meetings.
Evaluation matrix (suggested as a deliverable to be included in the inception report). The evaluation matrix is a tool that evaluators create as map and reference in planning and conducting an evaluation. It also serves as a useful tool for summarizing and visually presenting the evaluation design and methodology for discussions with stakeholders. It details evaluation questions that the evaluation will answer, data sources, data collection, analysis tools or methods appropriate for each data source, and the standard or measure by which each question will be evaluated.

Schedule of tasks, milestones and deliverables. Based on the time frame
specified in the TOR, the evaluators present the detailed schedule.
* Inception report
Required format for the evaluation report . The final report must include, but not necessarily be limited to, the elements outlined in the quality criteria for evaluation reports as mentioned in section ‎6 of the evaluation guidelines.
Dispute and wrongdoing resolution process and contact details (annex A)
Pledge of ethical conduct in evaluation. UNDP programme units should request each member of the evaluation team to read carefully, understand and sign the 'Pledge of Ethical Conduct in Evaluation of the United Nations system'.‎5

Annex A
UNDP Evaluation dispute resolution process
Dispute settlement
Should you or a member of the evaluation team feel unduly pressured to change
the findings or conclusions of an evaluation you have been contracted to
undertake you are freely able to raise your concerns with the management
within UNDP.
Please send your concerns to the Deputy Director of the Region who will ensure
a timely response.
Please also include the Independent Evaluation Office, in your correspondence
([email protected]).

Reporting wrongdoing*?
UNDP takes all reports of alleged wrongdoing seriously. In accordance with
theUNDP Legal
Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct, the
Office of Audit and Investigation is the principal channel to receive
Anyone with information regarding fraud against UNDP programmes or involving
UNDP staff is strongly encouraged to report this information through the
Investigations Hotline (+‎1-‎844-‎595-‎5206).
People reporting wrongdoing to the Investigations Hotline have the option to
leave relevant contact
information or to remain anonymous. However, allegations of workplace
harassment and abuse of
authority cannot be reported anonymously.
When reporting to the Investigations Hotline, people are encouraged to be as
specific as possible,
including the basic details of who, what, where, when and how any of these
incidents occurred.
Specific information will allow OAI to properly investigate the alleged

The investigations hotline, managed by an independent service provider on
behalf of UNDP to
protect confidentiality, can be directly accessed worldwide and free of charge
in different ways:

ONLINE REFERRAL FORM? (You will be redirected to an independent third-party

?Click here for worldwide numbers?(interpreters
available ‎24
hours/day) Call +‎1-‎844-‎595-‎5206 in the USA

directly to OAI at:[email protected]
Deputy Director (Investigations)
Office of Audit and Investigations
United Nations Development Programme
One UN Plaza, DC1, 4th Floor
New York, NY ‎10017 USA
Recommended Presentation of Offer
For purposes of generating Offers whose contents are uniformly presented and
to facilitate their comparative analysis, it is best to recommend the
preferred contents and presentation of the Offer to be submitted, as well as
the format/sequencing of their presentation. The following documents may be
* Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP.
* Personal CV or P11 , indicating all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (‎3) professional references.
* Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment
* Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided. The terms "all-inclusive" implies that all costs (professional fees, travel costs, living allowances, communications, consumables, etc.) that could possibly be incurred are already factored into the final amounts submitted in the Proposal. If an Offeror is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the Offeror must indicate at this point and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the financial Proposal submitted to UNDP.
* Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies:
Step I: Screening and desk review:
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology.
Technical Criteria (CV review and Desk Review/Interview optional) - maximum
‎70 points.
Only candidates who obtained at least ‎70% of points from the CV
desk review (who will score at least ‎49 points)
will be considered for the
next evaluation stage, i.e., financial evaluation.
Applications will be first screened and only candidates meeting the following
minimum criteria will progress to the pool for shortlisting:
* Advanced degree, preferably a master's level in statistics, economics, or other related fields.
* Minimum of ‎7 years of relevant professional experience.
* Full understanding of economic concepts, indicators, and frameworks.
* Demonstrated expertise in providing coaching and on-the-job-training for the staff
* Demonstrated expertise in reviewing and enhancing the coverage of the economic platform.
* Demonstrated expertise in identifying the methodology and econometric techniques.
* Demonstrated expertise in The ability to validate, analyse, and treat data.
* Demonstrated expertise in conducting research, and provide statistical technical advice on different sectors.
* Demonstrated policy expertise and experience in working on any of the statistical packages to analyze data.
* Demonstrated expertise in understanding and practice of capacity development
* Good understanding of the UN programming principles, Governmental policies and UN capacity development mandate would be an asset.
* Excellent in English and Arabic is an asset
* Only candidates obtaining a minimum of ‎49 points (‎70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Weight Per Technical Competence

‎5 (outstanding): ‎96%
* ‎100%

The individual consultant/contractor has demonstrated an OUTSTANDING
capacity for the analyzed competence.

‎4 (Very good): ‎86% -

The individual consultant/contractor has demonstrated a VERY GOOD
capacity for the analyzed competence.

‎3 (Good): ‎76% - ‎85%

The individual consultant/contractor has demonstrated a GOOD capacity
for the analyzed competence.

‎2 (Satisfactory): ‎70% -

The individual consultant/contractor has demonstrated a SATISFACTORY
capacity for the analyzed competence.

‎1 (Weak): Below ‎70%

The individual consultant/contractor has demonstrated a WEAK capacity
for the analyzed competence.

Step II: Financial Assessment:

Financial Proposal - Maximum ‎30 points
* Duly accomplished Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal Template using the template provided by UNDP (Annex II)

The contractor shall submit a price proposal as below:

The total professional fee shall be converted into a lump-sum contract and
payments under the contract shall be made on submission and acceptance of
deliverables under the contract in accordance with the schedule of payment
linked with deliverables. The financial Proposal should include all relevant
costs (consultancy fees, all envisaged travel costs, living allowances, etc.).

UNDP applies the " Best value for money approach" - the final selection
will be based on the
combination of the applicants' qualifications and financial proposal.

Financial proposal - Maximum ‎30 points
* Duly accomplished Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal Template using the template provided by UNDP (Annex II)
* p = y (µ/z), where
p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal µ = price of the
lowest-priced proposal
z = price of the proposal being evaluated

‎10.Instructions for on-line submissions
Step ‎1: Please prepare all required documents electronically.
Step ‎2: Combine all documents in ONE SINGLE FILE (preferably in PDF
however, Word format can also be accepted) and upload to the UNDP Jobs links
Step ‎3: After that, you will receive an auto-reply from the UNDP jobs if your
offer is received successfully.

Given the volume of applications that UNDP receives, only shortlisted offerors
will be notified.

UNDP reserves the right to reject any incomplete applications.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender,
nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups
and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All
applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of
harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected
candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background

Interested applicants are advised to carefully review this advertisement and
ensure that they meet the requirements and qualifications described.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender,
nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups
and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All
applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of
harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. All selected
candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background

The consultant shall submit a price proposal as below:
The total professional fee shall be converted into a lump-sum contract and
payments under the contract shall be made on submission and acceptance of
deliverables under the contract in accordance with the schedule of payment
linked with deliverables. The financial proposal should include all relevant

costs (consultancy fees, all envisaged travel costs, living allowances, etc.).

Financial evaluation - Total ‎30% (‎30 points)
The following formula will be used to evaluate the financial proposal:

The interested offeror must read the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement
Notice, which can be viewed at‎92091

ملخص الوظيفة

  • المُعلن : United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • تاريخ الإعلان : 08/06/2022
  • نوع العمل : -
  • مستوى الخبرة : -
  • المستوى التعليمي : -
  • مكان العمل : الرياض
  • الراتب : -
  • الهاتف : -
  • البريد الإلكتروني :

    إظهار البريد الإلكتروني

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