* صرف ومراجعة الاذون الخاصة بخزينة المصروفات
* يقوم يوميا بالصرف والاستلام من الخزينة بعد التأكد من شخصية وتوقيع المستلم.
* يتم عمل يومية في دفتر خزينة المصروفات يحتوى على:
كل أذون الصرف التي تم صرفها
* أذون الاستلام الخاصة بالخزينة ( الاستعاضات , الأمانات , التوريد المرتبات الأخرى )
* أذون الاستلام لتمويل الخزينة والمحولة من خزينة الايردات.
* حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة - محاسبة
**Responsibilities** مراجعة مستندات توريد النقدية لبيان قيمة النقدية التى مطلوب أستالمها طبقا ألمر التوريد.- أستالم النقدية من مندوبين البيع بالشركة و العمالء طبقا للنقد الموضح بجزء 2 الموقع من العميل/المندوب.- أستالم الشيكات الخاصة بالعمالء بعد مراجعة إستيفائها لضوابط قانون الشيكات و عدم ارتدادها …
**Responsibilities** * Perform waste analysis after production backflush; * Run MCRO report * Execute the T-Code MB51 for production to ensure WH received all produced quantity. * Run COGI report to check errors noted from backflush review * DUV analysis * Review FG movements (…
**Responsibilities** Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadlat) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents and signature, also ensure that there is no settlements not reviewed . * Record the manual invoices on SB * Review the credit invoices and reconcile them wit…
**Responsibilities** * prepare the insurance documentation to be sent to insurance team. * Prepare and send the invoices for the centralized customers to prepare the claims. * Participate in fiscal count task force (Monthly, quarterly, etc. …). * Obtain the credit guarantee for the CR/cus…
**Overview** Execute daily financial and control activities across all cycles and handle the CRs and customers requirements **Responsibilities** Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadlat) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents and signature, also ensure tha…
**Responsibilities** Role Execute daily financial and control activities across all cycles and handle the CRs and customers ' requirements. Accountabilities * Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadla) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents and signature, also …
**Overview** Role Execute daily financial and control activities across all cycles and handle the CRs and customers ' requirements. **Responsibilities** Accountabilities * Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadla) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents …
**Responsibilities** •Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadlat) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents and signature, also ensure that there is no settlements not reviewed .• Record the manual invoices on SB.• Review the credit invoices and reconcile them with daily credi…
**Overview** Execute daily financial and control activities across all cycles and handle the CRs andcustomers requirements. **Responsibilities** Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadlat) and ensure the completenessof the supporting documents and signature, also ensure that there is nosett…
**Overview** Execute daily financial and control activities across all cycles and handle the CRs and customers ' requirements. **Responsibilities** * Prepare and review the daily settlements (Mobadla) and ensure the completeness of the supporting documents and signature, also ensure that there is…